International Conference On Food Science and Engineering 2016

Conference Archives

International Conference On Food Science and Engineering 2016

The Sunan Hotel Solo, Jl. Ahmad Yani 40

Central Java, ID

October 18, 2016 – October 19, 2016

"Sustainable Development of Sciences and Technologies for Preserving Life"

Food safety and security problems as well as factors affecting them have emerged as the main issue and challenge attracting more attention from various research scientist, government and regulatory bodies worldwide. The awareness of the challenges ahead in solving those problems was the main driving force for the initiation of The International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2016.

The International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2016 aims to bring together the leading scientists, researchers and engineers to share and exchange their knowledge, experiences and research finding on all aspects of food science and technology. This conference will be held on 18-19 October, 2016 in Surakarta, a vibrant city known as a city of culture and a city from which current Indonesian President Joko Widodo comes. We welcome academicians, researchers, students, industries and government authorities from all over the world to present their ideas, current finding researches and latest information on related subjects, either oral or poster presentation.


Important dates and Submission :

Deadline for oral/poster abstract submission

October 10, 2016

Notification of acceptance oral/poster participant

October 11, 2016

Deadline for oral/poster participants payment

October 14, 2016

Deadline for full paper submission

October 31, 2016


Schedule ICFSE October, 18-19 2016

Download Schedule for ICFSE 2016
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Call for Papers :

Topics of interest for submission cover, but not limited to:

  1. Physical modification of foods
  2. Food chemistry and analysis
  3. Instrumental techniques for food analysis
  4. Food microstructure development and characterization
  5. Food properties including thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties
  6. Rapid detection of foodborne pathogens
  7. Macronutrients and micronutrients
  8. Chemistry of food additives and preservatives
  9. Food processing and engineering
  10. Food packaging
  11. Food production systems
  12. Food waste utilization
  13. Mathematical modeling and software development for food processing purposes
  14. Application of artificial intelligence in food engineering

Selected papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering (MSE) which is indexed by SCOPUS database. The Editorial Board will carefully monitor all manuscripts in order to keep up a high scientific and technical standard throughout. The correct use of the English language is also one of our concern.


Format abstract and full paper :


An abstract in English, not more than 200 words in a single paragraph is required in all cases. Indent the first line of the abstract. The abstract should contain a concise but comprehensive statement of the problem and results. Author's name(s), affiliation(s), and keyword(s) should be displayed at the top of the page. Keywords should not more than eight words. See sample article provided for format.

Paper Submission

Submit your paper to easy chair system.

Registration form download.

Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation / poster presentation at the conference and be published in the conference proceeding.

Oral presentations will take place in all parallel seminar. The duration of oral presentations are 15 minutes each (talk and questions), the schedule of the program will be updated.

Abstract/presentation only
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation or poster presentation at the conference. The presentation will no be published.

Submit your paper by following this easy chair system.

Registration form download.

Poster Presentation
All posters will be displayed during the conference day and should be mounted by the presenter at 08:00 am. All posters should be applied in the presenters's poster banner dimension (600 X 1600mm) with X stand.

Listener / group visitor after sucsesfully registration, will get access to all events. Please contact e via


Selected papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering (MSE) which is indexed by SCOPUS. All papers can be published after passing through the reviewing system.


Full Paper:

The length of full paper is required to be not more than 6 pages (including tables and figures). See sample article provided for format.

Guidelines for Authors

Keynote Speakers

  • Dr. Ir. Penny K. Lukito, MCP, Head of BPOM, Indonesia

Invited Speakers

  • Prof. dr. ir. Liesbeth Jacxsens (Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Ghent University, Belgium)
  • Prof. Manabu Asakawa, Ph.D. (Department of Biofunctional Science and Technology, Hiroshima University, Japan)
  • Prof. Jun Heon Lee, Ph.D. (Division of Animal and Dairy Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Korea)
  • Prof. Wendy Umberger, Ph.D. (Director of Global Food Studies, the University of Adelaide, Australia)
  • Prof. Dr.Agr.Sc. Ir. Vita Ratri Cahyani, M.P. (Department of Soil Science, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Indonesia)

Payment Methods

* Please make your transfer for your registration fee excluding the bank transfer charges

Online registration can be conducted through A registration fee is inclusive of participation of the main conference, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches.


Registration Fee Up to August 31st, 2016 After August 31st, 2016
Overseas participants 300 USD 350 USD
Domestic participants 200 USD (IDR 2.500.000) 250 USD (IDR 3.000.000)
Domestic student participants 175 USD 200 USD
Attendance/listener participants 75 USD 100 USD
Additional Paper 75 USD 100 USD


* Please make your transfer for your registration fee excluding the bank transfer charges
Online registration can be conducted through A registration fee is inclusive of participation of the main conference, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches.

Payment can be finalized by bank transfer. Details as follows:

Name of Accounts

: Ponimah

Account Number

: 0193813072

Name of Bank


Swift Code


Proof of payment should be sent to with the email subject of icfss2016_full name.


View Conference Details


Surakarta 24-26 APRIL 2014


Surakarta, ID







Pangan merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk mempertahankan kehidupan agar sehat secara jasmani dan rohani. Manusia dihadapkan pada beberapa pilihan bahan makanan untuk diolah, dan/atau dikonsumsi. Memilih makanan yang hanya memuaskan selera tanpa berpikir dampak konsumsi makanan yang disenanginya dalam jangka panjang dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya berbagai penyakit. Kebutuhan akan pangan yang aman dan menyehatkan sangat penting.

Mencegah pangan dari kemungkinan cemaran biologis, kimia dan benda lain yang dapat mengganggu, merugikan dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia sangat diperlukan. Penyediaan pangan yang cukup disertai dengan terjaminnya keamanan, mutu dan gizi pangan untuk dikonsumsi merupakan hal yang mendasar dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan. Oleh karena alasan tersebut, pengetahuan dan pengembangan riset yang didukung data laboratorium yang valid menjadi tuntutan di jaman modern ini.


Tujuan seminar ini adalah:

  1. Mengkomunikasikan dan menyebarluaskan informasi, pengetahuan, pengalaman dan teknologi hasil-hasil penelitian, telaah pustaka dan praktek kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan nutrisi dan keamanan pangan.

  2. Mengetahui arah kebijakan dan strategi nasional di bidang nutrisi dan keamanan pangan.

  3. Mengetahui implementasi, kendala dan masalah nasional di bidang nutrisi dan keamanan pangan.



Ruang lingkup seminar ini adalah:

  1. Penelitian dan kajian di bidang nutrisi, kehalalan dan keamanan pangan.

  2. Penelitian dan kajian tentang ketahanan pangan nasional.

  3. Regulasi nasional di bidang nutrisi dan keamanan pangan.

  4. Perilaku konsumsi makanan dan minuman serta gaya hidup masyarakat.




Kegiatan seminar dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 April 2014 pukul 08.00-17.00 WIB di Gedung Rektorat Universitas Sebelas Maret. Rangkaian acara dimulai dengan laporan dari ketua panitia Venty Suryanti, M.Phil., Ph.D. disusul dengan pembukaan oleh Pembantu Rektor I Universitas Sebelas Maret Prof. Drs. Sutarno, M.Sc., Ph.D. mewakili Rektor UNS. Sesi seminar diawali dengan presentasi oleh pembicara kunci (keynote speaker) Dr. Ir. HM. Hatta Radjasa (Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian) yang diwakili oleh Drs. Elias Payong Kerar, MM mengenai Regulasi nasional di bidang nutrisi, kehalalan dan keamanan pangan”.

Sesi seminar dilanjutkan dengan presentasi dari tiga pembicara undangan yaitu Ir. Sumunar Jati dari LPPOM MUI mempresentasikan tentang Makanan halal: peluang dan tantangannya di Indonesia”, Fanny Widjaja, Ph.D dari PT Berca Niaga Medika mempresentasikan Teknik analisis nutrisi dan keamanan pangan” dan Dr. Sayekti Wahyuningsih, M.Si. (Fakultas MIPA UNS) mempresentasikan “Peranan Laboratorium Perguruan Tinggi untuk Mendukung Analisis Nutrisi dan Keamanan Pangan”.

Sesi seminar dengan empat kelas paralel dilaksanakan setelah ISHOMA. Pada ruang A, rangkaian acara sesi paralel dimulai dengan presentasi dari pembicara undangan Dr. Dra. Diffah Hanim, M.Si. (Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Gizi UNS) mempresentasikan tentang Gizi dan Kesehatan”, sedangkan pada ruang B rangkaian acara sesi paralel dimulai dengan presentasi pembicara undangan Danar Praseptiangga, S.TP, M.Sc. Ph.D. (Fakultas Pertanian UNS) mempresentasikan tentang “Pangan Fungsional dan Diversifikasi Pangan Berbasis Bahan Baku Lokal”. Jumlah makalah yang dipresentasikan di ruang A adalah 9 makalah, ruang B adalah 7 makalah, ruang C adalah 10 makalah dan ruang D adalah 7 makalah; sehingga total makalah yang dipresentasikan adalah 31 makalah. Lima belas poster juga dipresentasikan dalam kegiatan seminar ini. Makalalah yang dipresentasikan dipublikasikan dalam bentuk prosiding seminar dengan nomor ISBN 978-602-18580-2-8.

Peserta pendengar yang hadir dalam kegiatan seminar ini adalah dosen, mahasiswa S1 dan S2, wakil dari dinas-dinas terkait se-SOLO RAYA. Tingginya minat peserta ditunjukkan oleh banyaknya jumlah peserta serta antusiasme peserta selama seminar berlangsung, namun karena keterbatasan kapasitas ruang, maka panitia membatasi jumlah peserta.


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